School is not officially open until 8:30 am. Therefore we do not take responsibility for student care prior to this time. We monitor student arrivals, and if we have concerns regarding students being dropped off early, we will contact parents. 

School Starts
8.50 am for Y1-6
8:40 am for Y7-13
Roll, Admin, House Time
Teaching Block 18.55 am
Morning Break10.25 am
Teaching Block 210.50 amDEAR (Drop everything and read) followed by teaching time
Lunch Break12.35 pmSupervised lunch in the courtyards, followed by free time
Teaching Block 31.20 pm
School Concludes3.05 pm

* Timings for Friday have been adjusted to allow for a Wellbeing period; please consult your child’s timetable in SchoolBridge for details.