Stationery Lists for 2025

We've teamed up with OfficeMax MySchool to make buying stationery for your tamariki and rangatahi easier. Stationery requirements have been loaded onto the MySchool Website so you can easily choose which classes/year groups/subjects to purchase. 

You don't have to buy your school stationery through MySchool; you can also use the lists below to purchase online or in-store at a stationery retailer of your choice

Choose a class/subject list to view and download:

Purchase your stationery here:

MySchool | How to Order

Select your child's Room or Year Group/Subject and follow the instructions on the website. You can buy everything on the class list or take things off that you already have or don't need.

Buying your stationery requirements through OfficeMax MySchool also earns School Rewards for Twizel Area School, which we can redeem for much needed educational supplies for our classrooms.

Myschool Order1


MySchool | Delivery Information & Order Tracking

Additional Stationery

When your child requires additional stationery items throughout the year, they are available from the school office (in order to minimise disruption to the flow of learning). These items can be added to your school account.