WELCOME TO TWIZEL AREA SCHOOLFind Your Passion, Be Supported and InspiredSituated in Te Manahuna, The Mackenzie Basin, with Te Tiritiri-o-te-Moana, the Southern Alps at our door, our outdoor environment's beauty and closeness greatly influence our kaimahi, ākonga and learning programmes.Our vision is to developing future leaders by nurturing their emerging passions. We seek to enable our learners to be inspired, collaborate with others and achieve their personal goals.
OUR WAKA VALUESLearn more about PB4L Whānaukataka | We welcome others to our Kura, respect our differences & celebrate our culture, have high expectations of ourselves & others, and come together as a community.Awhinataka | We show respect, care for our learning & the learning of others, foster tuakana-teina (relationships), and set & achieve aspirational goals.Kaitiakitaka | We live our WAKA values, demonstrate pride in our school, serve our community, and demonstrate guardianship of our environment.Ārahi | We demonstrate leadership & set good examples to others, challenge ourselves with new learning, take on responsibility, and are enthusiastic & participate.Award a Community WAKA Value