Myth Fact

There are some common misunderstandings about NCEA assessments. Select a myth topic below to find out more, including facts and other essential information.

Myth 1: The number of credits assessed

Myths and facts about NCEA credits

Myth 2: Assessment practice and gathering evidence

Myths and facts about assessment practice

Myth 3: Managing authenticity

Myths and facts about authenticity in assessment

Myth 4: Resubmission

Myths and facts about resubmissions for assessments

Myth 5: Further assessment opportunity

Myths and facts about assessment opportunities

Myth 6: Internal moderation

Myths and facts about moderation

Myth 7: Selecting work for external moderation

Myths and facts about selecting work for moderation

Myth 8: Profiles of Expected Performance (PEPs)

Myths and facts about PEPs

Myth 9: Derived grades

Myths and facts about derived grades

Myth 10: Courses and programmes

Myths and facts about courses and programmes