Derived grades are evidence-based grades that may be awarded to students when they can’t attend an examination or external assessment, or their performance is impaired. Students can’t use derived grades to make up for missed learning or preparation time.

Common reasons why students apply for derived grades include: 

  • a temporary acute illness or injury
  • a significantly disturbing or distressing experience
  • a sudden and significant change to a chronic illness that happens no more than 1 week before the student’s first affected assessment
  • national representation in a sport, academic or cultural event. 

Derived grades are based on authentic, standard-specific evidence. This means evidence such as a student’s performance in a formal practice assessment at school.

Every year (usually in Term 3), Year 11-13 students will sit their Derived Grade Exams.

Derived Grades

Download the Derived Grade Myths factsheet here.

Derived Grade Process

Candidates who have been prevented from sitting examinations or otherwise presenting materials for external assessment, or who consider that their performance in an external assessment has been seriously impaired because of exceptional circumstances beyond their control, may apply to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority for a derived grade.

1. Advice to candidates:

  • Impairments must be of a serious nature.
  • Medical certificates supporting the claim must be provided if the impaired performance is for a medical reason.
  • The impairment must have affected the student during the examination period or have occurred within the month preceding exams.
  • Impairment candidates should sit the external exam wherever reasonable and practical.

2. A derived grade is possible where:

  • The school has recorded a grade in its Student Management System from a valid end-of topic-test or practice exam
  • The school’s quality assurance process for internal assessment has been applied to the assessment materials (including completion of an Internal Moderation Cover Sheet)
  • The school retains a copy of the assessment used to generate the evidence. 
  • A derived grade cannot be awarded if there is no grade from practice assessments for an external standard because a student was absent, did not complete an assessment, or because the timing of the teaching has meant no practice assessment was given.

3. Other:

  • Students need to be aware that practice assessments may be used to generate a derived grade. Therefore, greater consideration may need to be given by students to achieve to the best of their ability in all school based assessment.

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