How to Get Ideas for Your Future CareerGet ideas for your career from online tools, inspirational videos, career experts, career expos and the people around you.Use online tools to get career range of online tools can help you get career ideas:CareerQuest – take this quiz to find career ideas based on your interests.Job Profiles – explore over 400 jobs.Skill Matcher – get career ideas based on your skills.Subject Matcher – get career ideas based on the subjects you studied at school.Who can help you get career ideas?Get career ideas from the people around you.Friends and family/whānauTo get career ideas, ask your friends and family/whānau about their career paths. How did they choose their careers? What did they do?Ask them what they think your skills are, and what careers you might be good at.Teachers, tutors and career advisersChat with teachers, tutors or career advisers to help them match your skills to possible careersEmployers and industry associationsEmployers and industry associations can talk to you about the range of jobs in their organisation and what it's like to do a particular job.Employers can help you trial a career by doing work experience, or give you ideas for careers you can progress into.People you admireThink about people who have the life you'd like. Would their career suit you?People at career expos and job exposCareer and job expos are an ideal time to talk to training providers, industry associations and employers about your options.Get inspired by people who love their careersCareer stories from people who love their careers can inspire you and give you advice on how to work towards your career goals.My career inspiration - exerciseThink about someone who has the career and lifestyle you admire. Use this worksheet to uncover their career path and help you get ideas.My career inspiration worksheetOther ways to get career ideasYou can get career ideas from:browsing job vacanciesbrowsing advertisements for businesses or franchisesthinking about services or businesses that could help peoplefinding out about what industries have skill shortages.Job vacancy and recruitment websitesJobs in skill shortageLearn more about your career ideasOnce you've found some career ideas, you need to learn more about them. Research your career ideas so you can remove some jobs or add new ones to your list.Do online researchDoing online research is an important step in making an informed career choice.Find information about:how you enter the jobsstudy or training neededopportunities, pay and other employment conditionstraining or geographical limitations, for example, is there only one training provider for the job or can the job only be done in certain regions?level of demand for the job ideas you’ve identifiedwhere you’ll find most of these types of jobs in New Zealandthe risk of automation.use Job Profiles to research possible jobs