M4 students have spent the last two weeks using a career education resource called “The Real Game”. The game introduces students to the world of work and helps them develop an understanding of the options and opportunities available to them and the implications and importance of their choices.

The students worked through a series of modules, starting with a ‘dream cloud’ where they could choose from different types of housing, travel, transport, and leisure activities. Following this activity, they were handed an envelope with two job roles. They could pick the role that they thought they would enjoy the most. While for some students, the role was not one that they would ever imagine doing, they all stayed with their chosen roles and “walked in the shoes” of that role for the remainder of the game.

The students were given the opportunity to find out about each other’s role profiles, including approximate salary, hours of work, educational requirements, etc. Midway through the unit, the students were given the task of dressing up as their “role” for a day.

The students arrived at school the following day, with the majority being creative and dressing up to their roles. The next module was all about income and expenses. Using a worksheet, the students entered their income from their role profile and then calculated expenses based on their dream cloud the day before. Some students found out they could not afford to live in the accommodation they had previously chosen, and some also needed to change their transport options. Manipulating expenses had to take place until there was a nil or credit balance.  Following this, the students learned about employment-related issues such as gender discrimination, disability and equal opportunity. 

Compassion and the ability to be resilient were needed, as the next module introduced the very real issue of redundancy. One member of each group was handed an envelope explaining the reasons for their redundancy. The reasons included the advancement of technology, economic decline, cheap imports and company competition. Each group had to come up with a solution for their redundant member. Some of the solutions included retraining, setting up a business for themselves and taking on a different role until they could rectify their situation – all real-life stuff!

The unit ended with the students reviewing what they had learned and looking at how their skills, qualities and education will all enhance their prospects of employment enjoyment. Well done to all the M4 students for being such willing participants, and congratulations to Will for being the winner of the “Dress for Your Profile” competition. The Blue Team, consisting of Lulu, Mako and Melinda, were the winners of the overall competition for participation and knowledge. 

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Real Game1

Real Game3

Real Game2