TAS students recently had the exciting opportunity to attend the annual Science Roadshow, s a mobile science discovery centre that travels across NZ, bringing an array of captivating and interactive science and technology exhibits into communities like Twizel.

The Science Roadshow was a day full of exciting discoveries! Students enjoyed two incredible shows featuring endoscopes, X-rays, and a thermal camera, as well as “science magic” turning water into juice and the classic elephant toothpaste experiment. Interactive displays kept everyone engaged, with activities on healthy diets, energy transformations, and generating electricity. Many students also tried out the spinning chair for a hands-on science experience!

This year's Roadshow featured over 60 hands-on exhibits organized under six themes: The Body (Te tinana tangata), Energy (Te Pūngao), Materials (Ngā Matū), Measurement (Te Inenga), Spinning and Whizzing (Te Porotiti me te pūrorohū), and Telling the Difference (Te Tautohu ki te rerekētanga). Each exhibit was designed to spark curiosity and help students connect scientific concepts to real-life applications.

Students experienced the Science Roadshow over a 70-minute session structured into three parts. First, students gathered for a 15-minute show, where they were introduced to a fascinating science demonstration. After the show, students had 40 minutes to freely explore the interactive exhibits grouped by theme. Each exhibit featured a context board explaining how to use it, the science behind it, and examples from daily life. Some displays were even accompanied by senior student explainers from Twizel Area School, who guided younger students in making the most of their hands-on learning.

The session concluded with a second show, providing one last engaging science presentation before students returned to school, inspired and excited about what they had learned.

The Science Roadshow offered Twizel Area School students a unique, enriching opportunity to engage with science outside the classroom. A big thank you to the teachers for their support, the students for their excellent behaviour, and especially the M2 student demonstrators, who were fantastic in bringing science to life!

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