During the school holidays, five students took part in the Aoraki Mountain Biking Champs at the Mt Hutt Bike Park. There were some great results from everyone who competed. 🚵‍♀️

Our three younger students, Arlo, Noah, and Elyh, took part in the Cross-Country Race. This was two circuits of a 3.5km track. In some parts, students required some serious resilience to push up those hills. Our students did well, coming in 11th, 13th, and 14th.  

Our two Senior students, Alexandria and Charlie, competed in the Downhill Race. This was a serious step up from last year's course at Herbert Forest!

Mountain Biking is a sport seriously lacking in participation from girls, which played well for Alexandria, as she picked up second place in the U17 girls category. Charlie placed well in the Under 16 Boys category even after a crash on his race run!

The students had an amazing time and plan on checking out some different Bike Parks in preparation for 2025.

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