Students at TAS are always busy with out-of-school activities. Take a look at a few events from the past week, including netball, highland dancing and football.

Twizel Netball Club

Our senior netballers concluded the club season with a stellar performance, highlighted by the Energy team’s victory in the Prem B grade. Despite a strong effort from SKC, our girls proved unstoppable. Sadie Mason delivered an exceptional performance in Goal Defence, earning her the Player of the Day title. The final score was 30-20.

Adding to her achievements, Sadie Mason was also named North Otago’s Most Promising Representative Player.

Our younger senior team, Voltz, fought valiantly in their final game but narrowly missed a win, falling 17-19 in the last quarter. Captain Myah Templeton-Gilchrist, who gave her all in every quarter, was deservedly named Voltz Player of the Day.

It’s been a fantastic season full of highlights and valuable lessons. Nic and I are incredibly proud of the entire squad for their commitment to twice-weekly practices and travelling to Oamaru for Saturday games over the past four months.

A big thank you to the parents, families, and friends who supported us throughout the season.

Sarah Henderson and Nic Lyons
Senior Team Coaches

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Year 7/8 Netball Development Tournament

Congratulations to Sophie, Suki, Ruby and Bailey on a successful Sunday at the Year 7/8 Netball Development Tournament in Dunedin today. 

Sophie and Suki, playing for North Otago Yellow, were undefeated with two convincing wins and a draw in their tough grade, whilst Ruby and Bailey, playing for North Otago Maroon, dominated their grade with convincing wins in all three of their matches. 

Well done, girls. That is a fantastic way to finish the season!

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Waitaki Rep Football

A shout out to TAS student and Twizel Panthers player Sebastian Irving who was selected for the Under 10 Waitaki Rep football team to play in the Waitaki Football Tournament last weekend! The team beat Cromwell in the final to be crowned the Under 10s Tournament Champions! 

The Waitaki team have two more tournaments in Timaru and Wanaka coming up in the next month! Ka pai to Sebastian and the Waitaki team.

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Highland Dancing, Temuka

There were prizes all round for the Highland Dancing Team in the big smoke of Temuka last weekend. We also had newcomers Iva, Zoe, and Abigail join us for their very first competition and Suné and Paige took part in the Learners Highland Fling. 

Georgie took out the Novice Fling U/14, and Iva won South Canterbury Most Points U/8. πŸ†

Well Done All πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸͺ©πŸ©°

Novice Fling U/14

  • 1st Georgie
  • 2nd Alice
  • VHC Murph, Zoe
  • HC Iva 
  • C Abigail

Sword U/14:

  • C Sophie 
  • Fling U/12
  • C Murph 

Irish jig U/14:

  • Alice C

Irish Jig U/12:

  • HC Sophie 
  • C Summer

Sword U/10:

  • VHC Murph 
  • Hc Summer, Sophie 
  • C Alice 

Fling U/10:

  • VHC Murph, Sophie
  • HC Summer, Alice 
  • C Georgie

Irish jig U/10:

  • VHC Summer
  • HC Murph 
  • C Alice, Sophie, Georgie

Fling U/7:

  • VHC Iva 
  • HC Zoe
  • C Abigail 

Irish jig U/7:

  • C Iva, Zoe 

Fling U/8:

  • VHC Iva 
  • HCZoe 
  • C Abigail 

Irish Jig U/8:

  • HC Iva 
  • C Zoe

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