Head Student Finn McKinley rounds up the last couple of weeks and looks forward to upcoming sports events.

Kia Ora everyone!

This term is looking like a great one, but as always it will also be incredibly busy, especially for those seniors finishing their internals and preparing for exams! 

Both the junior and senior snow programmes has started up again last week, just in time to make the most of the amazing snow we had. Last week M2 did a great job presenting their Twizel History Night, and the senior netball girls had a non-uniform day and bake sale to fundraise them going away to the South Island Secondary School Netball competition.

This week we had the Upper Waitaki Cross Country in Omarama; most of the year 11’s are away on a tramp, plus Room 5 and 7 students got the awesome opportunity to go to Tekapo and do Ice Skating, which I hear was a great success and was something that I used to love doing so I'm sure they did too! Some senior boys went to Timaru on Tuesday to compete in the Aorkai Badminton and the girls are away today to compete as well, I am looking forward to hearing how they go.   

There's a few events happening in the coming weeks, with some senior skiers and snowboarders going away on Monday next week to compete in the Aoraki Snow Sports at Dobson, hopefully, that goes ahead as it has been sad seeing it cancelled the last few years due to weather. We also have the mountain film festival next Wednesday and the North Otago Cross Country for those awesome runners who did well in this week's Omarama race. In addition, the Room 4 and 6 students have their ice skating coming up, and the main event for the next few weeks  -  the Junior Disco! 

That's all from me, enjoy the short break from the fog around town while it lasts!

Ngā mihi nui,
Finn McKinley
Head Student

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