At the end of Term 2, we were lucky enough to have a group of tertiary health students visit the school and inform our interested seniors about careers in health care.

These health students were training in a variety of health based areas, such as nursing, anaesthetist, dentistry and paramedicine (Paramedic).

After a very informative presentation about careers in the health industry and the courses and training options available, they gave our seniors hands-on experience with CRP, blood pressure monitors and stethoscopes, intubation and some even got to make a mould of their mouth with the dentistry student.

Students were also given information about the rural pathways into health careers which enables students from rural communities pathways into health.

These visits are invaluable in keeping our senior students informed about what is out there for them when they leave school and we thank Rural Health for including Twizel Area School in their roadshow.

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