Term Three news from the Junior School, including a reminder about winter clothes, upcoming dates, and a look at this term's learning.

Wow, Term 2  was very full of exciting events.  Term 3 will be much the same. We start the term with our school cross country in week 1 and then our snow programme will begin.  This term is our coldest term and it is super important that we ensure students have warm clothing.   If we have a snowy day and the students are at school, students may bring snow gear to play in the snow. Suitable gear would be waterproof pants and jacket, warm hat, gloves and footwear suitable for the snow. It is really important that you name all of your uniform and items that you bring to school to avoid things ending up in the lost property.

This term, our overall topic is Cultures and Celebrations.  This means our learning will be about other countries and will be intertwined with the Olympics.  This learning will culminate in a sharing day at the end of the term. We also have our Market day which we had planned for last term but with everything going on last term the teachers decided to postpone this to give it the time it deserves.  So this will take place on the 7th August. 

Our Maths learning for this term will be based around multiplication, division, decimals, percentages and ratios for the first part of the term and then we will move onto Geometry in the second half of the term. 

Our planning for this learning is beginning to come together and may look like this:

Cultures And Celebrations 2

Melissa McLellan,
Assistant Principal

Important Dates

Thursday, 25th July - Cross Country 

Thursday, 1st August  - Snow Programme begins 

Wednesday, 7th August - Market day 

Thursday, 29th August - Mackenzie Schools Ski Race Day at Roundhill 

Junior Assemblies 

Junior assembly will start on Wednesday, 31st July.  This will be in the theatre at the events centre at the same time as last term at 2:30 pm.

See below for the timetable for the term. Each class has a turn at leading the Junior Assembly.

WeekLeading Class
Week 1 - 22nd JulyNo Assembly
Week 2 - 31st JulyRoom 9
Week 3 - 7th AugustNo Assembly
Week 4 - 14th AugustRoom 13
Week 5 - 21st AugustNo Assembly
Week 6 - 28th AugustRoom 7
Week 7 - 4th SeptemberNo Assembly
Week 8 - 11th SeptemberRoom 4
Week 9 - 18th SeptemberNo Assembly
Week 10 - 25th SeptemberEnd of Term Assembly

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