During the school holidays, you may have noticed some changes to the web version of SchoolBridge. 🖥️ Take a look at the changes below.

You'll notice a more streamlined, simplified look to the dashboard, making it easier to find the things you need under three main headings. Going forward, we plan to keep the same structure, although throughout the year other tabs may appear associated with specific school activities or year groups.


You can now find links to Stationery, Uniform, and BYOD links in the sidebar, as well as the Switch Sibling tab (if you have more than one child enrolled) and School Calendar. 

Attendance and Caregiver Resources

Here you can check on your child's attendance, report an absence and submit a Leave Request. One addition is the Attendance Summary tab where you can see your child's attendance percentage; this is updated overnight, so don't expect it to change during the school day.

The Caregiver Resources tab is where you'll find all the documents you need, including the Whānau Guide, Code of Conduct, and an NCEA Guide for parents of senior students.

As you can see from the screenshot below, you'll also find other resources such as the School Waiata and Netsafe Agreements.

Caregivers Resources

School Life

You'll find everything associated with your child's life at Twizel Area School here, including WAKA Values, Financial (where you can see and pay for things on your account), and School Reports. One addition is the Awards tab; this is where you can see all the awards your child has received over the past year from end-of-term assemblies and prize giving.

School Community

Everything from newsletters to information on becoming a Parent Volunteer can be found under School Community.