At 8.35 am on Friday, 17th November, there was a high level of excitement as the Year 6 students prepared for a day of experiencing the Middle School at Twizel Area School.

This is a new initiative this year to ease some of the nerves and uncertainty for our students moving through to the Middle School due to the change of timetable and structure they find as they move through.

The day started with the Year 6 students being collected from Room 5 and being taken by older students to their respective House Rooms. This allowed them to know where their houses meet and to see what happens during House Time - attendance, notices, and uniform checks.

Students then re-grouped in Mrs Nelson’s classroom, where we found out what happens during Home Room time. As part of this time, they were able to share important things to us and have a go at a bit of written work.

After Home Room, they moved to one of the favourite experiences of the day – WoodWork with Mr Van M, who had planned an exciting activity for them to complete - a phone holder where they drew a design with a hot poker machine before varnishing them.

During Art, students all had to take their shoes off as they were taught how to create an observational drawing by focusing on what was in front of them, instead of drawing what they thought they could see.

A food lesson just before lunch was awesome as they made our own lunch. They made wraps with healthy options as the fillings and learned the important health and safety measures in the Food Technology Room.

After lunch, students joined Ms Saunders in the Music Room, where they played different chords on the ukuleles before having a go at some different Drama games that really got them thinking.

A highlight of the day was Sports during Period Six. Students were split across various sports, where they got to interact with some of the current Middle School students and enjoy time in the fresh air.

The day was incredible, and the Year 6s that took part are all really pleased that they had the experience. They are now feeling a lot more confident and less nervous about the first days of school next year. Thank you to the Middle School team for accommodating us in this way!

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