Over the past term M3 was involved in a Market Day Project as part of their Year 9 Social Sciences course. This project enabled students to work in small groups to plan and run a short-term business enterprise. They developed their own stall ideas and worked cooperatively with their group to produce, market and sell their product(s).

Each group was given start-up capital to help buy the necessary resources to make/market their product. One of the day's aims was for the students to profit from the sale of their products. Students then pay back the start-up capital to the class budget, and then the profits are donated to community/charity groups chosen by the class, alongside some funds being used by the class for a fun activity for the middle school.  Altogether, the class raised just over $680 - so we are excited to choose the charities/local groups that some of these monies will go towards.  

Thanks so much to the immediate school for supporting the M3 Market Day.  We would also like to thank all the M3 whānau, Mint Folk and Co, Cadigan Engineering, The Twizel Op Shop, and Kitchens for Less LTD for their donations to the project - they were very appreciated.

Mrs Smit and the M3 Class

M3 Market Day8

M3 Market Day2

M3 Market Day11