Students from Rooms 9 and 13 are delving into the fascinating world of endangered species this term, learning about the Kiwi and making some awesome artwork.

Our exploration began with the enthralling book, "Kiwi Beware." The story follows a courageous kiwi bird on its perilous adventure, pursued by a cunning stoat with sinister intentions. In a heart-pounding climax, the kiwi discovers its burrow, and a vigilant morepork comes to the rescue, saving the day.

What truly sets "Kiwi Beware" apart are its striking, one-of-a-kind illustrations rendered in chalk pastel. Inspired by the book's artwork, we embraced the challenge of recreating our own Kiwi Beware illustrations in this distinctive style.

We're proud of our efforts and would love to know your thoughts on our creations. How do you think we did?

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