On Thursday last week Twizel Area School hosted Tori Campbell a representative of Te Runaka o Moeraki. This is all part of our journey towards our new school build and our Cultural Narrative. Tori came and was hugely impressed with our mihi whakatau and the level of Te reo māori used by our ākonga. Tori mentioned that we as a school are setting a high bar for other schools to follow. We have been working hard behind the scenes to make sure we do this well and it is great to get positive feedback on this. There is still work to be done in this space but we are definitely on the right path.Our cultural narrative is all about what designs we want to see around the school, colours, karakia, waiata and whakatauki that can be used as part of our schools collective identity. It is also about what is unique to this region that forms our identity. There are obvious elements and not so obvious elements. The Hydro Electric Scheme is one that is intrinsically linked to our identity and also the mountains and lakes that surround us. What makes me proud is watching our rakatahi lead in these spaces, it was a very proud moment for our school and community. Next up is another mihi whakatau on Monday for Arowhenua. This is another important step for our kura.Kā mihi nui, koutou mā