Term 3 news from the Junior School, including reminders about assemblies, winter weather, and teacher changes.

Welcome to Term 3. It is always a busy term with snow club, skating trips and class ski trips commencing.  Over the holidays, Room 4 and Room 7 swapped classrooms, and the New entrants now reside in Room 4, and our Year 4-5 learners now reside in Room 7. That will take some getting used to for all our staff, students and parents, but it has been an exciting time for the students.

We would like to welcome Stephanie Johnson to our staff full-time for the remainder of 2023. Stephanie was already teaching in our Year 4-5 space part-time with Alison Holden.  Steph will be teaching in Room 7 until we can advertise this position later in the year for someone to start in 2024. 

Term 3 always brings with it challenges with the weather as we start to see snow in our forecast.  Please remember if we do have snowy days to pack some snow clothes, including gloves, to play outside in.  It makes it more enjoyable if the students can keep warm. 

It is incredible to see so many students working hard to gain their WAKA badges.  It is so rewarding to be able to award these in Assembly.  I’m looking forward to awarding more of these in Term 3. 

I am looking forward to seeing all the fabulous learning that goes on this term. Our overall topic is Movement with a focus on The Arts. This means we might see some awesome work going on around Visual art, Dance, Drama and Music. Our topic ties nicely into other events and extra-curricular activities that are going on around the school, like ice skating, skiing and cross country. 

For the first five weeks of the term in Maths, our focus is on Whole Number. This means our Year 0-4 learners will be learning about multiplication and division, and our Year 4-8 learners will learn about percentages, decimals and ratios.  In the second half of the term, we will focus on Geometry. This means our Year 0-8 students will all be learning about position and orientation with the integration of angles as well. 

Melissa McLellan
Assistant Principal

Important Dates
  • Monday, 31st July - Upper Waitaki Cross Country
  • Tuesday, 1st August - Room 5’s Dark Sky Trip 
  • Wednesday, 2nd August - Room 4 Ice Skating trip 
  • Tuesday, 8th August - Room 13 Ice Skating trip 
  • Thursday, 10th August - Room 8 Ice Skating trip
  • Tuesday, 15th August - Room 7 Ice Skating trip 
  • Wednesday, 16th August - Room 9 Ice Skating trip 
  • Monday, 21st August - Room 5 Ice Skating trip

Junior Assemblies 

Attached is the new timetable for this term for our junior assemblies until week 7. We will let you know who the lucky classes are that get to lead assembly for the last two weeks of term at a later date.

Week 1Room 4
Week 2Room 13
Week 3Room 5
Week 4Room 8
Week 5Room 9
Week 6Room 13
Week 7Room 7