Hannah from MDC is continuing to deliver an interesting and informative program with our M4 students. This week they started with some activities around self-management, values and what they can and can’t control in their lives.

Following this was a visit from Nathan from Kiwi Tax who explained about being an accountant, taxes and Kiwisaver. The M4s then worked on some budgets relating to student allowance, minimum wage and an average wage earner.

Hannah then took the students over to the Four Square and they were given a budget of $8 to create a healthy lunch for a person. They had to look at healthy purchases that were within their budget. The food was then taken over to Vicky at the Community Care Centre to donate to the food bank.

The paper budgets were put into an Excel spreadsheet the next day during their Digital Technology class. The students saw immediately how a spreadsheet can easily manage a budget using formulas and calculate whether a person has money left over after the week or whether they have overspent. 

What a great learning experience it has been for these students!

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Work Ready