Students in M4 continued their Work Ready Programme this week, learning about how important first impressions are and how to be successful in the workplace. πŸ‘©β€πŸ’ΌπŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό

On Tuesday Hannah came to our class to talk to us about how important first impressions are. She comes in every week to talk to us about what we need to be successful in the workplace. This week she took us to the op shop where we had to pick out an outfit that matched a mystery profession that only we knew. When we got back to school we changed into our outfits and we then had to guess what each other's professions were by looking at their outfits. We also had to make questions to ask and then act as if we were getting interviewed for a real job.

It was a fun way to learn about how important first impressions in the workforce are.

M4 Students


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