In the past week, students in M3 had the opportunity to engage in a hands-on learning experience focused on understanding forces acting on objects. This was achieved through a combination of trial and error, group work, and collaboration. Utilizing their collective creativity and intuitive thinking, the students embarked on designing and testing various structural ideas.👨‍🔬

Within a limited time frame, the students employed specific materials such as 3D-printed connectors and wood to construct their structures. Group brainstorming sessions allowed them to generate ideas on how to create both the tallest tower and a tower capable of withstanding seismic forces. Factors such as shapes, weights, and the level of foundation support were taken into consideration during the design process.

Subsequently, the students tested their buildings on a shake table, which simulated seismic activity. The structures were timed to determine their durability and resilience, with a focus on identifying which ones lasted the longest. Learners were actively encouraged to analyze and explain the reasons behind the success or failure of their buildings, comparing them to their initial design concepts.

Overall, this learning experience provided M3 with a practical understanding of forces, while emphasizing the importance of collaborative problem-solving, critical thinking, and reflection on the design process.

Ka pai M3!

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