Room 5 ākonga, along with Ms McAuley, Karatī Metcalfe and Bevan Newlands battled the Spring weather last week, but a good time was definitely had by all. 🏕 💨 😎 Even with plans having to be shifted, everyone came back with a story to tell and a smile on their face!

Once back from camp, students were asked to write about their highs, lows and something they learned. Here are a few examples:


Dani - A cool thing was the Frisby golf because it was interesting seeing the other people's strategies. I also enjoyed the walk because it wasn't too hard and the view was pretty cool.

Andre - One of my favourite parts of camp was swimming in Loch Cameron and the mac and cheese. When we were swimming in Loch Cameron Karatī let me and Dom film with the go pro underwater. The mac and cheese was amazing!

Jacob - My favourite part of camp was the 8.5km walk because it was a nice hot day. I also enjoyed playing spotlight and listening to Bevan's stories about Africa.


Felix - I hated the wind on the first night it woke me up and annoyed me. I played rock, paper, scissors!

Kuinsa - My least favourite part was when my shoes got wet and when I had to clean the boys toilets.

Rosie - My least favourite part was when it started raining so we couldn't build the mōkihi.

Something Learned

Gus - I learnt how to tie a reef knot you use a reef knot for tying two knots together.

Suki - Putting up a tent isn’t as easy as it looks.

 Darcy - I learnt that you should bring the right bag.

Room 5 Camp10

Room 5 Camp3

Room 5 Camp1

Room 5 Camp13